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- Governance and assurance
Why it's important
We know it is important to show our customers, regulators and other stakeholders that we operate to the highest standards of governance and transparency.
Discover below the people and policies that help to ensure that good governance is at the heart of our business.
Wessex Water Customer Challenge Group
On behalf of customers, the Wessex Water Customer Challenge Group (WWCCG) plays a key role in monitoring and reporting on the work we are doing to deliver our most recent business plan.
The WWCCG advises and challenges us on key priorities that customers have identified and provides updates to our board on whether performance commitments are being met.
The group ensures that we are meeting the highest standards of governance and transparency which helps our customers trust the information we publish.

Information assurance
Our board is committed to providing all our customers and stakeholders with transparent, easy to understand, complete and accurate information that meets their requirements, so they can judge and compare our service performance and how we are protecting the environment.
Each year we review the strengths and weaknesses of the information we provide and how it is assured.
Our draft information assurance plan sets out our current position and the additional steps we expect to take to provide high quality information this year. We are currently consulting on this.
We welcome any further comments and suggestions about our information provision from customers and stakeholder groups at any time throughout the year, by email to assurance@wessexwater.co.uk or in writing to Matt Greenfield, Director of Economic Regulation, Wessex Water, Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7WW.
Document download
For all our other current and previous policies, please visit our document library.
Matters Reserved To The Board 2022
matters-reserved-to-the-board-2022.pdf - (100kb)Business Risk Assurance Map
business-risk-assurance-map.pdf - (213kb)Terms Of Reference For The Nomination Committee 2022
terms-of-reference-for-the-nomination-committee-2022.pdf - (107kb)Role Of The Chairman CEO MD And SINED 2022
role-of-the-chairman-ceo-md-and-sined-2022.pdf - (98kb)Raising A Concern Policy
raising-a-concern-policy.pdf - (98kb)